Why You Must Play Full Out

My life, like yours, is full of ups and downs and highs and lows, and we all have experienced multiple life-changing moments that we can clearly remember. 

Recently, I experienced one that reiterated a message I have shared on stage or in this community at least 50 times – you DO NOT want to get to the end of your life and realize that you have not played full out

That’s why I’m sharing a very personal story of what thoughts and emotions I experienced when the END OF MY LIFE was right in front of me. 

It’s a story of how I was able to feel a sense of REAL CALM during one of the most frightening experiences I could ever find myself in. 

You see…years ago when I was 25, I read Stephen Covey’s book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, where he asked what will people say about you in your obituary? What kind of legacy do you want to create? 

This resonated so deeply with me and inspired me to go out and live my life on purpose and play full out. 

So here I was at 53 facing what would cause a completely justified, full-blown panic, and all I could focus on was how grateful I was that I made my dash count – the dash between my birth date and what might have been my transition date

I might not have been perfect, but I did my best. I played full out. I served. When I failed, I got back up. And when I won, I didn’t just win for me, but I helped other people to win too. 

I pray that everyone who faces the final stages of their life can experience the calm feeling I felt. That they do not have ANY regrets for the things they didn’t do.

So I challenge you to start or continue to write the story of your legacy NOW. Live how you want to be remembered NOW. Love and forgive and PLAY BIG. Don’t hold someone hostage to past decisions. Forgive TODAY. Tell those you love you love them TODAY. Leap and dream and don’t wait for ONE DAY. 

Because that is a bold assumption that you have another day. We have today; we know we have that. Everything else is just a possibility or a wish. 

Remember, THIS is your community, and we are committed to helping you make your “dash” count. I LOVE reading your comments, so share with me below how you can play fuller out this week. Did this episode spark any #BOLs for you?

I LOVE you today and every day I have on this earth, and I BELIEVE in you. I really do.

3 replies
  1. Eseoghene
    Eseoghene says:

    I love you so much Lisa, the first time I came across you on YouTube, I was so full of tears knowing that I had someone that was once like me, your words penetrated my soul, which made cry out loud to follow my passion. I really want to help inspire people like you do. And I know I will see you someday. Thanks so much reminding me of my purpose here on health.

  2. Aline FOKOU
    Aline FOKOU says:

    Thank you for your honesty, you touched me in my heart. yes, you have inspired me! I am committed to PLAYING FULL every day I am blessed with.


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