The Power of the Pivot

If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard the word PIVOT a thousand times. But the past two years with the pandemic, the word pivot has taken on a WHOLE NEW meaning. We had to change the way we look at our services, our products, and the way we deliver them. So this week, I want to talk about the power of the pivot.

I never really took the time to understand exactly what the term pivot meant. So I looked it up. It means…to change directions, modify, shift or move when necessary. Another definition I saw was…to change directions based on the environment, not the strategy.

Now a pivot may come with some resistance because we don’t like uncertainty. We like to plan and strategize. But when you begin to embrace the power of the pivot it becomes more about making an intentional choice to change directions with power, grace, and ease along with the uncertainty.

Keep Your Goal in Mold and your Plan in Sand

Leaders, unicorns, gladiators and change agents like you and me…we . are used to planning at least 6 months out, 10 months out, 12 months out–some of us even 36 months out. So naturally, we are a bit resistant to changing the plan. You have probably heard me say this before, but you should “Keep your goal in mold, but keep your plan in sand.”

People who are most resistant to change are those who keep their goal in mold and their plan in mold too. When your plan is in cement and it becomes necessary to pivot, you will resist it.  You’re still going to get there. You just may not get there in the same timeline that you expected or in the same way. You may not have the same team or the same life partner. Or make the same numbers. But you will get there. That is what I mean by keeping your goal in mold. Keeping your plan in sand means you might need to change directions. You might need to change partners. You might need to change strategy or your timeline. I have had to change timelines so many times, but it doesn’t stop me from creating one. It just reminds me to be fluid and flexible and approach the pivot with grace and ease.

Shift out of Reaction Mode

Gladiators like us like to strategize. But we can slip into reactionary mode from time to time. If you’re only planning 30 days out, then you’re planning in a reaction mode. Oh my God, that was the hardest thing for me to hear.

I read a book once, and it said that people who live in abundance and prosperity plan out six months to a year to three years. People who live in scarcity and lack, they plan out 30 days. Ouch. I was planning out 30 days at the time. So I want you to think six months out. Think about 10 months out from now. Where do you want to be? Where do you want your family to be? Where do you want your relationship to be? Where do you want your health to be? Where do you want your business to be? Then, I want you to begin to determine what will be required for you to get there. What will your contribution be over the next 90 days, the next six months? 10 months?  What will you do over the next 36 months? Set your intention. What is non-negotiable for you? Don’t think about how you’re going to get there, but what is necessary for you to do.

Now, things will shift and change. When you get comfortable with planning six to 10 months out, then start planning 10 to 18 months out. I’m still a firm believer that you should plan ahead, but also believe that there are times when you need to pivot. Then, sometimes your pivot needs a pivot.

Strengthen your Pivot Muscle

Sometimes people tend to throw their hands up and give up when things don’t go as planned. They say things like “well I tried” and stop taking action. I want to invite you to develop, exercise, and strengthen your pivot muscle. Workout your bounce back muscle. When you trust your bounce back muscle, then you’ll trust yourself to run more, to leap more because you know you can bounce back. I can’t tell you how many times I pivoted and ended up with even better results than I originally planned. I thought the plan was amazing. Then all of a sudden I had to pivot. And when I pivoted, the outcome was better than the plan that I had originally made. When you are able to lean into a pivot, you’re actually learning how to respond versus react.

Remember, this is not a monologue. This is a dialogue and I love reading your comments. So please share with me what hit home for you. What was your #BOL (breakthrough out loud)? Where in your life have you had to pivot? Did it end up working out better than the original plan?

This is your home and we are your tribe. You are part of my extended family. And when I say I love you and I believe in you, it’s because I truly do.

27 replies
  1. Vuyolwethu
    Vuyolwethu says:

    Thank you so much for this.
    For me it’s really difficult to find myself again,everything is a mess and I don’t have any means to change my current situation as I’m jobless and we are struggling at home, have to ask neighbors for food. Every time when it’s raining the roof is leaking we swimming in water.

    I just hope one day I will find my breakthrough, I’m so exhausted.
    Thank you so much God bless you abundantly

  2. Mary B
    Mary B says:

    I appreciated hearing to have some grace with respect to the timeline. I have a goal related to finding a new job, and may not happen within the timeframe I set. I am still manifesting that I do, but don’t want to stress if I need to reset the timeline.

  3. Lisa Clark
    Lisa Clark says:

    This was great really needed this to push me to the next level in my career and Real Estate business. Thank You Lisa and GOD Bless You and all my Sister in the comments!

  4. Tracy
    Tracy says:

    I’m proud to say I’ve actually developed a 5 year plan in great detail. It includes mini steps that will be considered micro wins that work toward macro wins to finally GOAL REACHED

  5. Precious davis
    Precious davis says:

    I really plan 30 days out but I thought that was good but now I see why everything doesn’t work out I be so stress each month focusing on everything I need to do to get where I’m trying to go. I talk to much I tell everybody what I’m trying to do cause I be needing a push are just the validation from them. I only hurt myself worst, I just don’t want to struggle anymore I been pushing myself all my life and done gave up a few times but I never learn the lesson so I keep getting the same results just different people. I’m starting today on my 12 month plan from today to next year I can believe for everybody else but myself.

  6. Cassidy Chapman
    Cassidy Chapman says:

    I LOVED THIS. I needed it really. This is the third time today that I have heard about planning out the year. I have feeling some resistance to this but I know that it is just my next level ready to shine. If I am really honest I am about to take a 10 minute nap after this to intergrate this information in my dreams and rest and digest so that I can truly be ready for this year to have a goal in mold but plan in the sand.

  7. Modupe
    Modupe says:

    I really love this perspective, Lisa. You are good. Keep Your Goal in Mold and your Plan in Sand. Wow. I am starting with the 6 months planning. 2022 is good to me! Thanks for the wake up call 🙂

  8. Jose Luis
    Jose Luis says:

    Hola Lisa, gracias por tu maravilloso video, tengo 56 años, vivi sin planificar mi vida y tienes razón uno debe de planificar y cambiar con un proposito, hay riesgo, hay miedo, pero lo estoy logrando, sigo aprendiendo de Contador a Agente de bienes raices, no he vendido ni una casa todavia pero se que muy pronto lo hare, estoy mejorando mis habilidades. Pronto te seguire mas. Saludos desde Lima Peru

  9. Dan Franklin
    Dan Franklin says:

    Hello Lisa, I really enjoyed your video about pivot. We are living in times were everything is uncertain and shanken at the core. The only way we are going to make it is to have a blue print plan on how to pivot during these unprecedented times. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and expertise in pivoting.You are a true coach and leader , that is setting the masses all around the world. My sister keep on using your gift to help many people that is looking for a word of encouragement. Talk soon!

  10. Norma Dixon
    Norma Dixon says:

    Hi Lisa,
    As you share on the Power of the Pivot, I remember my days playing netball, and when I catch the ball I had to pivot before releasing the ball. Thank you for sharing the meaning of the word. Looking back I just did the action, however hearing you speak I realize now that back then it was both a ‘gold in mold and plan in sand’ all in one in the game of netball. Personally I had to do some pivoting over the last year by developing new career skills and recalling others that laid dormant. Now I was just planning for 30 days so I will now pivot and start making a plan for 7 to 10 months and should I need to pivot within the pivot I will do so.
    Thank you.

  11. Gaynell Marshall
    Gaynell Marshall says:

    Wow! On point information, I had planned 5 &1/2 years ago, pivot from education to medical. Now my pivotal has me utilizing my gift of inspiring , motivating and encouraging others spiritually. You’re one of my mentors and inspiration. Thanks for the nuggets…

  12. Merle Lamount
    Merle Lamount says:

    I have been trying to change things but each time they’ve been stumbling blocks that I feel is a setback but I know my vision is still in tack and I will use this Pivoting plan to push forward

  13. Catherine
    Catherine says:

    Thank you so much for this, I have come to realize that, I am not even working with a plan in place and that I need to do Goal setting . I appreciate the thought that “I t is ok if other persons are not able to see your vision” it is the plan that’s relatable. Finally the only thing I kept thinking about when I heard pivoting was the landing because when I first learnt the term pivoting it was in netball and land on one foot ( that would be the Goal in the mold) then use the other foot (the plan in the sand) and you can turn your body, situation or the entire trajectory of your life around. That is what I got from this video an I thank you.

  14. Maureen
    Maureen says:

    Thank you for reminding us to be fluid and flexible. We are continuously evolving as we shift and change. Taking daily walks now, even in the rain. Sincere appreciation for your presence in my life.

  15. Catalina Natalini
    Catalina Natalini says:

    Dear Lisa,

    I have been planning this year for 30 days. Before the pandemic, I used to plan 6 to 12 months in advance, but all changed suddenly I think I got scared.
    Thanks for this reminder and I am going to plan the hell out the next 12 months with ease and grace. Thanks for your wisdom and your lovely smile!

  16. Robin
    Robin says:

    GM, Lisa this truly is a BOL for me. I am going to play this over and over, standing on principles and not changing how i navigated while doing so, i caused problems for myself.
    I will not do the same things and expect different results. Thank you!

  17. Cecelia Blanks
    Cecelia Blanks says:

    I loved this teaching. The Power of the Pivot. This hit home because I feel like I just made a big pivot, by opening my business now compared to waiting until I had enough money to get started comfortably. I felt God was telling me to do it now and by obeying Him, I would learn how He can do it when it seems like it is impossible. I had to make a big pivot but keep “my goal in the mold and my plan in the sand”. Thank you for this.

  18. Eyde
    Eyde says:

    Thank You… Thank You, for sharing the gift of such vibrant life with me. As I listened to the secion, I thought to myself, I wish I heard this before or during the COVID season because I resisted pivoting. I had a chance of pivoting towards basic expenses but I ignored. I like the emphasis on DO Not Focus on the HOW… these words have liberated me. Thanks again.

  19. TammyRenee
    TammyRenee says:

    I love the way you explained the power of the pivot. I’ve never been a long-term planner; I would say I carried a gypsy spirit and let my intention guild me. I am starting to see the power of intentions and planning, and it’s good to know I will always have Pivot power. ❤️


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