How to Maintain Health and Wellness

In this week’s blog, I have a question for you:

Do you consider health and wellness to be optional? 

At one time, I did. I put my health and wellness AFTER my business. I put it AFTER parenting. I put it AFTER working. 

But what I didn’t realize is that I was NOT being the best example for those watching me. You see…our children don’t HEAR what we say. They SEE what we do. 

At one point I was TWICE this size, and do you know how I got there? It was by putting Lisa LAST. I got there by eating for convenience, not for health. I fed my cravings and fed my emotions. Food was my love language. Until one day, I said HOLD ON.

I wanted to make sure I lived a long life. So, I took action. The first thing I did was cut out a lot of the sugar that I was drinking and things began to change. Then, I realized that movement was essential. So I took another step and started to exercise. I became more intentional about my health and wellness.

As I reflect on my personal journey through HEALTH HELL and my decision to step into WELLNESS, I invite you to consider becoming committed too. Because when you invest time, energy and resources towards being healthy, what you’re really saying is “I love my FUTURE SO MUCH that I want to take care of my NOW. I want to make sure my future is protected by what I choose to eat now

Being healthy is a gift—one that we get to take full advantage of. Our health is the doorway to a breathtaking future. When your body works, your mind works. Then, you get to create whatever else you want. 

Please share your takeaways in the comments below. What part resonated with you the most? Have you put yourself last or made your health optional?

Here’s to an amazing, healthy future. I love you. I believe in you and will always be…

Your sister in prosperity and possibility,


1 reply
  1. Vesna
    Vesna says:

    Love this one Lisa,health has to be our priority No metter what,only when we r healthy,we can live our abundance life,cuz when we r sick,we have just one wish…that is to be healthy…#YANA


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